Many fractures are treated non-operatively. However, a large number of fractures require operative treatment. The basic goals of fracture fixation are to stabilize the fractured bone, enable fast healing of the injured bone, and return early mobility and full function to the injured extremity. |

Foreign bodies are uncommon, but they are important and interesting. Foreign bodies may be ingested, inserted into a body cavity, or deposited into the body by a traumatic or iatrogenic injury. They may go unrecognized or mistaken for a normal structure or a normally functioning medical device.

The most frequent orthopedic procedures are everyday fracture reductions, immobilizations, and fixations. The next most important and frequently performed orthopedic procedures are joint arthroplasties in which a portion of a joint or the entire joint is replaced by a surgically placed prosthesis. In the United States alone there are approximately 1 million total joint replacements annually. |